Midweek long run

After running a PR on Saturday’s half marathon, I was sore for a few days.  I have 20 miles on Saturday and wanted to take it easy this week.  Monday was a rest day (which I would have bumped up Thursday’s 5 miler because of my work schedule).  Tuesday I had 5 scheduled and did not run.  I walked my dogs, popped in my ab pilates DVD and did some stretching instead.  Today was a 10 miler and I was determined to run that mileage in the middle of my work week (I start at 2pm-9pm).

Yesterday there was a storm with high winds.  The winds were so strong they blew down the side of my fence!  A cold front swept in and we’re back to 30-40 degree weather.  So this morning it was still very windy and chilly.  I was still determined to run 10 miles outside, but I waited until it got later in the morning.  Ambitiously I planned to go out at 8am but it was really windy and I was still tired and not really feeling like going yet.

My cousin who is a trainer, recommended recovery and warm up exercises.  I did those first then headed out.  I had on a hooded jacket and my phone was in the pocket.  I downloaded a podcast to listen to on the run.  I headed out and about .3 miles into it my phone flew out of the pocket.  I turned around, went back to the house, threw my jacket in the door and went back on my run.  The wind was blowing, my earbuds kept popping out of my ears because of the wind and I was running slow.  My legs were not cooperating but I didn’t care.  I was determined to get 10 miles in even if they were 12min miles.

As I ran through my neighborhood, I noticed other fences down including someone’s mailbox was lifted from the ground.  Wind came at me something fierce which gave me more determination.

I listened to Coach Jenny on the podcast and one thing she said that stuck with me was to have fun and enjoy my race.  To not get hung up on a PR since I have to listen to my body and adjust to weather conditions, my muscles, feelings…etc.  I looked down at my watch and I was running at 12:30 min/mile pace.  I didn’t care, I am healthy and have an able body that can go out on a run whenever I feel like it.

There was a podcast of a chriopractor who gave great tips that I will be applying.  During that podcast I got through 5 miles, “half way done!”  Interesting I’ve listened to audio books on my runs and now the podcasts.  It makes for a better run!

In the podcast there were interviews with a variety of people and the funniest one was about a man that ran a marathon in flip flops!  If anyone’s read Born To Run the people run in sandals so it wasn’t too far fetched for me to hear that, but I was still intrigued to say the least!  Check out the story here….


When I was nearing the last mile I got a surge of energy and the wind was blowing against me so I picked up my pace…10mins.  I think the funniest thing was that I was so happy.  I ran 10 miles before work!  Who else can say they do that?  I know it’s been done by others, but I felt great that I accomplished it.  I finished my 10 mile run in 1:58.  My slowest ever! lol

I got home, ate a nutrigrain bar (I was so hungry after mile 4), drank more water and filled up my bath tub with warm/hot water.  I was going to take a bath before work!  Just soak in the tub.  It felt great on my tired muscles.  I finished off with a hot shower (so I could wash my hair) got ready for work, ate a quick lunch, packed my dinner, and left.

I had a great day at work, I felt good, and relaxed.  This is why I do it, why I push my body.  The benefits are too many to name.  Tomorrow I have 5 miles scheduled.  I work at 9am, though I need to get there earlier.  I get off at 4pm but there’s an open house at the boys’ school.  My goal is to wake up early, run, get ready for work, and head out the door.  If I don’t get up early, I’ll have to run after we get back from the open house and most likely on my treadmill since it’ll already be dark.  We’ll see.  Run Happy!

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