So, here in North Texas it was predicted that it would rain starting today. The rain was predicted for the afternoon so I thought, “Great, I’ll run in the morning and beat the rain.” That is exactly what I did, I headed out at 9am and it was drizzling. I wore my rain jacket, my cap, and running tights. It was a cold brisk run, it felt great. I ran 5 miles and my avg pace was 9 minutes. I finished in 45:17. I was so happy. My legs were tired and I wasn’t feeling it at first. I’m so impressed at how my endurance has improved. I wasn’t trying to run fast until the end but it actually felt good. It was work but actually felt almost effortless. So, when I felt like I was running slow I’d speed up!
I felt good at work, not too drowsy. I’m looking forward to what my day will look like tomorrow. Tomorrow I have an 8 miler to do. It’s supposed to continue raining so I may opt for the treadmill if it’s coming down too hard.
I’m pretty sure I’ll sleep good tonight.