This weeks mileage was 29miles. 5 miler on Tuesday was awesome, the 8 miler on Wed since it was pouring down rain, was on the treadmill and it went well…78minutes and I worked on hills and speed intervals. I skipped Thursday’s 4 miler and did it on my rest day, Friday.
Yesterday, Friday for my make up of 4 miles, took Rusty and Hawkeye (Hawkeye has a new lead and it is great no more pulling)! The first 2.5 miles, Rusty kept us at a 12min/mile pace. He actually stopped and lied down in the grass a few times. I pulled him when he stopped as we rounded a corner, he pulled himself out of his collar and leash and ran the rest of the way home. Hawkeye and I followed, I let him in, the dogs took a water break, then Hawkeye and I left to finish the remaining 2 miles. Our pace went up to 9:30/mile. 🙂 Hawkeye is my performance dog and Rusty is my recreational dog. I felt good after that run, it was pretty easy, lots of walking…etc.
Today, I met Tiffany on the trail at 7:30 for our 12. I had a hard time this morning. I got up on time but I was dragging from the get go! I had some coffee with almond milk sweetened with honey in my travel mug, a nutrigrain bar, my water bottle, and my fuel belt. I drove to Fort Worth, drinking my coffee and eating my bar the whole time wondering if I was eating enough before 12 miles. It’s a set back week and I was thinking it’s “just” 12 miles but at the same time “12 MILES!” That’s no picnic either especially when I wasn’t feeling it this morning.
I got to the trail and Tiffany and Jeanie were there (Jeanie is training for the half and had 8 to run). Off we went 4 out and 4 back and then Tiffany and I ran 2 out and 2 back the other way on the trail. During the first 4 miles, the conversations helped, but I realized I either did not want to run at all, did not want to up that early, or needed to be alone this morning. This morning at the house, I was not in the mood for conversation even though Erik was trying to talk and engage in conversation. That should have been the first sign. On the way back I started feeling a little better, but then I got hungry, “Ok just 4 more left I can do this!” We ran the 2 out and walked a little before we ran the last 2 2:04 minutes, last time we ran 12 was in December we took 2:08.
I’ve never done this, but I came home after our run, ate my pancakes, then went straight to my bed. I slept from 12:23-2:30pm. I could have slept more. In fact I forced myself up and showered (yes I know, I showered after my nap, but I changed my clothes at least). I woke up and was really sore, my calves were really tight, and my back was sore. I really didn’t want to have to get up and go to the hockey game that Erik was working tonight, but I was his ride home. 🙁 Needless to say, I got some of my energy back and took the boys to Subway and Starbucks before we headed out to North Richland Hills (30 minutes or so away). The drive was rough, I was dragging during the game, and afterwards they allow the fans to free skate on the ice. Isaac and Justin wanted to so I was out on the ice (not on skates) helping them. Isaac did great for his 2 time on the ice! Justin is a hot mess his first time skating. Anyway I perked up a little but was pushing it.
Next week, my mileage increases quite a bit: 4, 9, 5, 18 My goals are to get to bed early every night and I need to increase my complex carbs. My recovery after today’s 12 miles has been hard.